The Diagnosed Of HIV AIDS

How is HIV diagnosed?

The Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA) approved the tests which detect antibodies of HIV in the urine, the fluid of the mouth (fluid oral examination), or blood. If a test on the urine or oral liquid proves that you are reached HIV, you will need probably an analysis of blood to confirm the results. If you were exposed to HIV, your immune system will prepare antibodies to try to destroy the virus. The blood tests can find these antibodies in your blood.

The majority of the doctors employ two blood tests, called the ELISA and the Western analysis of spot. If first ELISA is positive (significance that antibodies of HIV are found), the blood test is still examined. If the second test is positive, the doctor will make a Western spot to be sure.

He can take as long as 6 months so that the antibodies of HIV reveal in a blood test. If you think that you were exposed to HIV but you examine the negative one for him:

  • Obtain examined still in 6 months to be sure that you are not infected.
  • While waiting, take measurements to prevent the diffusion of the virus. If you are infected, you can still pass HIV to another person during this time.

Some people are afraid to be examined for HIV. But if there is any chance that you could be infected, it is very important to discover. HIV can be treated. Obtaining the treatment early can slow down the virus and help you to remain in good health. And you must know if you are infected thus you can prevent to draw aside the infection with other people.

You can obtain the test of HIV in the offices of the majority of the doctors, the private clinics of public health, the hospitals, and the private clinics envisaged of parental condition. You can also buy a kit of test of HIV of house in a pharmacy or by the post office an order. But made attention very choose only one test which was approved by the FDA. If a test at the house is positive, to see the doctor to make confirm the result and to discover what to make afterwards.

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