HIV AIDS Treated

How is it treated?

The standard treatment for HIV is a combination of medicines called the very active therapy antiretroviral (HAART). Medicines of Antiretroviral slow down the rate to which the virus multiplies. The catch of these medicines can reduce the quantity of virus in your body and help you to remain in good health.

It can not be easy to decide the best hour to begin the treatment. There is for - and - swindles to take HAART before you have symptoms. Discuss the latter with your doctor thus you include/understand your choices.

To supervise the infection by the HIV and his effect on your immune system, a doctor will carry out two tests:

  • Viral load, which shows the quantity of virus in your blood.
  • The account of cells of CD4+, which shows at which point your immune system functions.

If you do not have any symptom and your account of cells of CD4+ is on a healthy level, you cannot still need treatment. Your doctor will repeat the tests systematically to see how you made. If you have symptoms, should plan to you to begin the treatment, that which your account of CD4+ is.

After you begin the treatment, it is important to take your medicines as directed exactly by your doctor. When the doesn of treatment the 'work of T, it is often because HIV became resistant to medicine. This can occur if you put 't take your medicines correctly. Ask your doctor if you have questions about your treatment.

It became much easier to follow treatment during these last years. New medicines of combination include two or three different medicines in a pill. Many people with HIV obtain the treatment which they have requirement by just taking one or two pills per day.

To remain as healthy as possible during the treatment:

  • Gift 'smoked of T. The people with HIV are to have an heart attack or to obtain the nicotinism of the lung cancer.12 can increase these risks much more.
  • Eat a mode healthy and balanced to maintain your immune system strong.
  • Obtain the regular exercise to reduce the effort and to improve quality of your life.
  • Gift 'illegal drugs of use of T, and limit your use of alcohol.

Learn that all you can about HIV thus you can play an active role in your treatment. Your doctor can help you to include/understand HIV and how to treat best. Moreover, plan to join a group of support of HIV. The groups of support can be a great place to share information and emotions on the infection by the HIV.

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